• 19Nov

    I’m in the middle of a crisis.  It’s not that I’m watching Angels in American while drinking pink champagne.  That my friends, that is divine!  Here is my problem; an age old conundrum that haunts us all at one time or another – where do I eat and what should I order?

    Let me use Thanksgiving as a case study.  My parents are coming for dinner – that makes us a party of four.  I love to cook – the brown butter pound cake fresh from the oven to my right would agree to this.  But for only four people, the hassle of Thanksgiving preparation becomes almost unbearable.  So, we shall eat out…but where?  Everyone loves Citronelle.  The Blue Duck Tavern was ok the first time I went, but if the Obama’s can date night there, may be its gotten better!  Rasika perhaps?  In the end, we’ve picked Corduroy.

    Why Corduroy?  Because it suits everyone’s needs.  Some hate fish, others don’t eat meat.  I’ve looked at the menu for Central – it looks delicious – but my partner won’t stick a chunk of bumblebee in his mouth unless there’s some mayo smothered on top.  I’ll probably never eat at Central.  Another place I’ll probably never eat – Wolfgang Puck’s offering. Asian-fusion speaks to everyone born after 1972, but it’s closed on Sunday.  Like Komi.  Chefs, I work hard for a living -hard, long hours.  Saturday is time to spend at home with my loved ones.  Sunday, I can eat out.  But not at The Source or Komi unfortunately.

    My point, as I come up for air through my rambling, is that I will probably never eat at some of the best restaurants in Washington, D.C.  Not for lack of resources or interest, but because dining out, is, in the end, compromise.  I eat out with people I enjoy – and if they hate seafood, good-bye Hook.  Should I go by myself?  Some people would.  I’ve seen a movie by myself, and I’ve buffeted at Bob’s Big Boy solo, but I’m not going top notch as a single.  Where’s the fun in it?  It’s all for the food some would say.  But eating is a communal act, and I need someone to trash talk the scallops with!

    Where do I eat, and what do I order?  I order what I want – I’m a big boy, like Bob, and I eat where everyone can enjoy the experience.  Everyone’s hungry?  Perkins is a no.  But we may stroll over to Open City.  Food is best when savored with company.   When everyone at the table is happy, the gods smile down from their endless serving of ambrosia, knowing in that moment, that we are all eating from the same dish.


