• 09Feb

    Whole Foods has a couple of lovely-looking (and not too fattening – you don’t want your date rolling away!) dessert recipes up in honor of this most saccharine of Hallmark holidays.

    The “Banana Nice Cream” (nice pun there, kids) looks yummy and really simple – just blend and freeze – and vegan too! I might throw in a bit of honey and fresh-ground allspice, and needless to say, if I were the sort to do such things, I would freeze single servings in inappropriately-shaped popsicle molds.

    The cocoa-oat truffles almost boarder on something you might see at a Seder (swapping out the oats, of course). Come to think of it, maybe I’ll make them this year…but of course, I will add ancho or chipotle powder and perhaps, if I go back down South this year, deep fry them.

    Yes, I know, my modifications take most of the ‘healthier’ and some of the romance out of these recipes, but then, what can I say? The way to a man’s heart is (if you don’t have a pitchfork) through his stomach.

    And I prefer treats that fight back.

    – MAW

